Tuesday 27 May 2008

Kenyan Footballer feted

One of the longest serving Kenyan national team captains, one Musa Otieno was over the last 2 weekends feted by the team (Santos)owner of the team he played for in the last season of the South African Premier League PSL with a Player of the Year Award, along with the Chairman's Award, as presented by Mr Irvin Khoza.
Coming from Kenya which contributes low numbers of footballers to the League and also in light of what has happened in the attacks targeting foreigners ( Africans for that matter !), its quite an encouragement.
Seeing this too as the twilight years of one of Kenya's humble and most admired footballers of his generation, it shows that sports does reward the patient.
It is rumoured that he might try ply his trade in the US next season. But that will be confirmed as the new season starts anytime now with the Americans enjoying some sunshine.
As for SK, he earns a place in its annals as one of the most distinguished players to grace the local football scene.

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