For those who don't know what BAKE is , it was formed last year to promote development of local content through the various topics/categories in ranging from the following 14 ; technology, business, photography, creative writing, food, agriculture, politics, general, corporate and sports(where you can vote for yours truly...). There are also regular meet-ups for BAKE members to meet fellow bloggers face-to-face every other month.
This is a welcome effort after the KenyaUnlimited-sponsored Kenya's Bloggers Webring die a slow death. It sought to award pioneering Kenyan bloggers who were quite few back in the day. Now's the numbers have grown and still growing by the day, with some becoming fully-fledged websites and others major social media sites.
For more details on the BAKE Blog Awards , check this link, http://bloggers.or.ke/!
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